On Eternia, King Randor and Queen Marlena saw Adam, most of the Masters, and the visiting heroes return. Noticing that his son was not in his He-Man form, Randor asked, “Adam, what happened?”

“Skeletor, Luthor, and Rita managed to get into Greyskull,” answered the Prince. “Skeletor got the Medallion of Greyskull back. Superman and I were too late to stop him. He took us both down with a shot of the Medallion’s magic. When I came to, I was back to my normal self, so I recon the blast must have changed me back.”

“So, all those battles were just a diversion,” realized Marlena. “Any word on how things are on Etheria?”

“According to the Sorceress, Hordak managed to capture Brightmoon,” answered Man-At-Arms. “She-Ra is making plans to take Brightmoon back even as we speak.”

Adam looked around, noticing that the only group that wasn’t with them was the team that had gone to Subternia. “Where are Fisto and the others? Where’s Teela?”

The King and Queen’s expressions were more somber as they looked at each other. Sighing, Randor said, “Adam,-Teela is in the infirmary. She wants to speak to you and only you.”

Adam got a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Wh-what? What happened?”

“She was-injured, son,” answered Marlena. “She was shot through the shoulder by someone called the Joker. She might have bled to death were it not for Batman. But she refuses to speak with anyone except you.”

Adam nodded and hung his head as he walked towards the infirmary. Figuring Teela would blame him for what had happened to her, he tried to prepare himself for the tongue-lashing he knew was coming.

Adam walked into the palace infirmary. The Chief Healer turned to see the Prince walk in. He said, “My Prince, you’ve finally arrived. My patient hasn’t wanted to see anyone else but you and she won’t tell me why.”

Adam nodded and asked, “Could you leave us? Give us some privacy?”

“Of course,” answered the healer with a nod.

When the Chief Healer was gone, Adam turned to Teela. Seeing her sitting in the bed, she had her eyes closed and her head down. Teela was one of the strongest people he knew, and yet, here and now, she looked so-weak. So fragile. This wasn’t the Teela he knew at all. Still, Adam couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. But there was no going back, so he took a deep breath, trying to prepare for her outburst. “So,-you wanted to see me?”

Teela finally looked up at the Prince. And Adam could immediately see that there was no life, no fire in her eyes. It was as if her soul was empty. She sighed and said, “Adam,-I’m sorry.”

Adam shook his head and said, “No, I’M sorry. I should have come with you. I should have been there to protect you. I-”

“Stop, please!” pleaded Teela. “Just…just listen to me, okay?” Adam sighed and nodded. “Your mother once told me that they say on Earth that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. Today, as I stared down the barrel of the Joker’s gun, I think that happened to me. And now I realized-you were right about me all along.”

“What do you mean?” asked Adam curiously.

“I saw in my head various-memories-I think they were memories-of you and I. It all happened so fast. I can’t remember exactly everything, but-I didn’t like what I saw.” Adam just looked at Teela in confusion as she continued. “What I do remember seeing is that most of what I saw involved me belittling you for neglecting your responsibilities, completely oblivious to the fact that you had the greatest responsibility on the face of Eternia. And you were right, I didn’t deserve to know your secret.”

“Teela, that wasn’t your fault,” said Adam as he took hold of Teela’s hand. “Like I told my father, you were only reacting to what you knew. And to be perfectly honest with you, if I had been in your shoes, I would have called me a coward, too. You did what my bodyguard and best friend should have done.”

“That’s no excuse for what I did!” yelled Teela. “You were always a friend to me, but I was never a friend to you. I was so horrible to you, and yet you never gave up on me. Even when I scolded you, you always insisted that I tag along whenever you went fishing or just wanted to take a nice relaxing nap under a shade tree. I scoffed at the very idea, thinking that you just wasting your life away. But I was wrong. You lived your life every day. All I ever did was train, all day, every day. Whereas you have saved Eternia more times than I can count, you’re the most powerful man in the Universe, and yet you still managed to find time to have fun. I don’t see how you could ever forgive me.” She then hung her head again and closed her eyes, a single tear escaping.

“Teela, look at me,” said Adam as he cupped Teela’s chin and forced her to look him in the eye. “There’s always room for forgiveness. And trust me, it’s not too late to repair our friendship. But if this is going to work, you have to do your part. I can’t fix what we once had all by myself.”

Adam finally let Teela go and ran a hand down her cheek. Teela looked her Prince and best friend in the eyes and saw nothing but the greatest forgiveness, love, and compassion. She squeezed his hand tightly, trying to hold back any more tears. When she opened her eyes again, they looked at each other. Both saw the longing in the other’s eyes. Finally, they allowed their lips to connect as they shared their first kiss.


In the Whispering Woods, everyone was gathered except She-Ra and her team, who were still at Mystacore. Kris spoke into her Angel Gem, “While everyone else were successful on their missions, we weren’t, Bree. Hordak is in control of Brightmoon.”

“That’s not good,” admitted Sabrina on the other end. “I’ll let She-Ra know. Stay in touch.”

Glimmer, meanwhile, was speaking to Chakra, an elderly woman who served as the Rebellion’s main medicine woman. “Is everyone okay, Chakra?”

“Yes, Princess Glimmer,” answered Chakra with a nod. “But the sooner you can reclaim Brightmoon, the sooner they can go home.”

“Don’t worry,” said Glimmer. “We’re making plans even as we speak.” She then turned to the others and said, “I say we head for Mystacore and join She-Ra and the others. Care to tag along, Sunder?”

Sunder considered this. “Yes. I promised I would help out whenever I could, and I aim to keep that vow.”

Sunder’s wife walked up to him and kissed him, saying, “Be safe.”

Sunder took her hand and smiled softly, saying, “I’ll do my best.”

“I’ll see to it that everyone is well-fed and has a place to sleep,” said Chakra.

“Thank you,” said Black Canary with a nod. “Alright, everyone, let’s get to Mystacore.”

Once everyone had gathered at Mystacore, Castaspella took them to another room. “This is my Pool of Vision,” explained Casta. “It allows me to see many places on Etheria and some other worlds, including Eternia.”

Intrigued, Tracy asked, “Can you show us our mother back on Earth?”

Smiling at the youngest ThunderCat, Casta answered, “I can try. Though I have never attempted to search for someone on Earth.” She cleared her throat before attempting a spell. “Pool of Vision, with sights to uncover, show me Earth, and the Partridge mother.” The pool rippled, revealing Shirley Partridge, sitting at home reading a book. Bill simply smiled at the sight of her, which did not go unnoticed. However, nothing was said nor needed to be said.

Stroking his goatee, Green Arrow said, “We’ve been told that the White Mystic Force Ranger is your sister. Think your little pool can find her?”

“Now that I know where she is, let’s find out,” answered Casta. “Pool of Vision, fulfill my dream, show me my sister, and her team.” It rippled again, revealing the Mystic Force Rangers in their civilian forms back on Earth’s Mystacore with Shadow Weaver and her crew bound. Seeing Udonna, Castaspella’s eyes welled up as she said, “My dear sister. It is so wonderful to see her again.”

“Can you bring them here, or take us there?” asked She-Ra.

“I do not know,” admitted Casta. “But I certainly hope I can find a way to meet her.”

An image of Zordon then appeared, saying, “THERE MAY YET BE A WAY.”

Most of the Rebels were surprised, but Keith spoke up, “Zordon, what’s going on?”


“Glimmer and Adora told us about that thing,” said Bow. “But who are you?”


“Yes,” agreed She-Ra. “We not only have to save Brightmoon, but we need to get that Medallion back.”

“Don’t worry, we will. I need to get back to Eternia.” Diana shouted.


Castaspella smiled and said, “I would like that very much.”

Zordon smiled and nodded. “STAND BY.” He then disappeared and moments later, a portal was opened.

Before stepping in, Wonder Woman asked, “Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” answered Casta with a nod.


At Earth’s Mystacore, Shadow Weaver and her invading force were bound, unable to escape. “You can’t keep us here forever!” yelled Shadow Weaver. “The Horde is invincible! When Horde Prime finds out about this, he will destroy you all!”

“I hate to burst your bubble, Shadow bitch,” began Vida, “but Horde Prime is dead. He blew himself up after Supergirl kicked his ass.”

“Wh-what?” asked Shadow Weaver in disbelief. “That can’t be!”

“Oh, but it’s true,” responded Prue. “So, basically, you’re on your own now.”

A gold teleportation beam arrived in Mystacore, taking on the form of Isis. “Udonna, Mystic Force Rangers, I have some news. Zordon has just informed me that your team will go to Etheria to help out. And you can take the invaders back with you. We’ll also send back the Legion of Apocalypse members we were able to capture so they can be turned over to the proper authorities.”

Just then, a portal opened up. Wonder Woman stepped through and smiled, saying, “Before you go, there is someone I think Udonna should meet.”

Soon, coming through the portal, a woman in dark purple walked into the HQ for the Mystic Force Rangers. Vida, Madison, Chip, Xander, and Daggeron were confused at first, and Isis was surprised-but nowhere near as shocked as Udonna & Nick. “Udonna? I haven’t seen you since you were a baby! Can it be-”

“Castaspella?” That was all Udonna spoke, as she ran into her sister’s arms, both in tears of joy.

Xander looked at Nick and smirked. “Looks like you have an aunt now.”

Shadow Weaver frowned and said, “Aw, how touching. I believe I’m going to gag!”

Chip shook his head and asked, “Would someone please shut her up?”

Vida smirked and answered, “Gladly.” She then walked over and slugged Shadow Weaver in the jaw, knocking her down and causing her to cry out in pain.

“Nice one, sis,” said Madison with a smile. The two sisters then high-fived each other.

“She-she hit me!” protested Shadow Weaver.

“How many innocent people have you hurt over the years and not given a damn?” asked Phoebe with a frown. Shadow Weaver just looked at the youngest Halliwell sister, unable to answer.

Finally, Nick spoke up and said, “Mom, what’s going on here?”

“Aside from my mother, you never told me you had another sister,” agreed Clare.

“What was there to tell?” asked Udonna. “I knew next to nothing about her. My parents barely told me anything. Almost every time I would ask, they either wouldn’t speak or change the subject.”

“Yes, I can only imagine that it must have been too painful for them,” agreed Casta. “I know it was for me, not knowing if I’d ever get to see any of my own family again.”

“She looks a lot younger than you, Udonna,” said Daggeron.

“I spent many centuries trapped in the form of an old woman,” explained Castaspella. “I was nineteen at the time. When my youth was restored, I returned to my previous appearance. But in any case, being trained in the ways of magic, we do not age in the same manner that most people do.”

“I can certainly vouch for that,” agreed Udonna with a nod.

“I think it’s time we returned this scum to Eternia and Etheria,” said Piper.

“Yes,” agreed Castaspella with a nod. “There are special cells within Mystacore that should be able to hold even the Horde.”

“I’ll take the Eternian villains with me back to Eternia,” said Wonder Woman. “Hopefully, the cells in King Randor’s palace will be able to hold them. Charmed Ones, I think you should come with us. The Sorceress hopes to perform some kind of special spell and she needs all the magic makers she can get.”

“In that case, I think Clare should come too,” said Nick.

“Are you sure about that?” asked Clare nervously. “I mean, I’m not exactly the most skilled sorceress.”

“Every one is valuable,” insisted Wonder Woman as she squeezed Clare’s shoulder reassuringly. “So, will you come with us?”

Clare considered before answering: “Yes.”

“Once all the villains are handed over, I’ll contact some of Earth’s other magic makers,” said Isis. “They may be able to lend a hand as well.”


Soon, all the captured villains were returned to their respective planets. Now, everyone was gathered in Casta’s throne room. Looking around, Chip said, “This place is awesome!”

“It’s beauty is surpassed only by its lovely queen,” replied Xander as he took a bow before Castaspella.

“I’d watch it if I were you,” said Maddie. “That’s Nick’s aunt you’re talking to, after all.”

“What can I say?” asked Xander with a shrug. “Nick’s aunt is hot!”

“You need to learn to be a little more respectful,” said Daggeron as he shook his head.

“Alright, I’m going back to Eternia,” said Wonder Woman. “We need to get the Medallion of Greyskull back. Charmed Ones, Clare, Ariel, you come with me. You’ll all be needed at Greyskull when the Sorceress performs her spell. Green Lantern, Hawkwoman, I’ll need the two of you to come with me as well. And once Brightmoon is saved, Castaspella, you, Mystic Force, Glimmer, and Queen Angella should join them if she’s still alive.”

“I will join you as well,” said an elderly man as he walked into the throne room. It was Norwyn, Castaspella’s former teacher.

“Norwyn!” cried Casta in surprise. Hugging him, she said, “It is so wonderful to see you again!”

“Casta, who is this?” asked Udonna.

Castaspella smiled and said, “Udonna, Nick, Mystic Force Rangers, this is Norwyn, my old master. He taught me everything I know about magic. Everything I am, I owe to him. Norwyn, this is my sister, Udonna. With her are her son Nick Russell and the Mystic Force Power Rangers of Earth.”

Once introductions were out of the way, She-Ra pulled out her sword and said, “Sorceress?”

An image of the Sorceress appeared in the stone in the Sword of Protection. “Yes, She-Ra?”

“Wonder Woman and some of the others are prepared to come back to Eternia. I’m coming as well, but I’ll be back to help in the battle for Brightmoon.”

“Very well,” said the Sorceress with a nod. “But before you come back, it is time to reveal to your fellow Rebels what you have kept hidden from them. The Masters now know your brother’s secret, it is only fair that the Rebels know yours.”

This surprised She-Ra, but she nodded and said, “I understand.” Once contact with the Sorceress was broken, She-Ra held up her sword and said, “Let the Power Return!” The Rebels gasped as they saw Princess Adora standing in She-Ra’s place.

“Adora?” asked Sea Hawk, Adora’s boyfriend. “But-but how-?”

“It’s a long story,” answered Adora. “That is, as long as you don’t stay mad at me long enough to tell you.”

“But why would you keep this from us?” asked Bow with a frown. He was obviously angry. “And, Glimmer, did you know about this? After all, you were the one who always covered for Adora whenever she would disappear!”

“Yes, I did,” admitted Glimmer. “But you have to realize that there is a good reason for secrecy.”

“And what would that be?” asked Clamp Champ with a frown. “What COULD that be?”

“For your protection as well as that of her family,” answered Keith. “And before any of you even think of getting angry at Adora or Glimmer, know this: We ThunderCats keep our identities a secret as well. And so do the Power Rangers and most of the JLA members, including Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Firestorm, for the exact same reasons. So if you even think about causing harm to Adora, you’ll have to do the same thing to us. All of us. So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to be selfish? Or are you going to listen to your hearts and do nothing?”

“You would be wise to listen to the young man,” added Norwyn. “Otherwise, you’re no better than Hordak.”

The Rebels looked at each other. Finally, Snout Spout said, “Fine. But you still owe us an explanation, Adora.”

“And you’ll have it soon,” said Adora with a nod. Just then, a portal opened. “Let’s go.” She, Wonder Woman, the Charmed Ones, Clare, and Ariel all stepped through the portal.

Back at Brightmoon, Queen Angella was sitting there frozen with only her head exposed and the collar that Double Trouble had placed around her neck. Double Trouble was also standing guard over her. Angella said, “It’s strange. I am frozen, yet I don’t feel like I’m freezing to death.”

Hordak walked over to her and said, “You have Tri-Klops’ trusty collar to thank for that. It is not only neutralizing your powers, but it is the only thing that is keeping you alive right now.”

“Why?” asked the fallen Queen of Brightmoon. “Why do you insist on letting me live? Why not kill me now when you have the chance?”

Hordak chuckled and answered, “That is simple, my dear Queen. For the time being, I WANT you to live. I want you to live just long enough to see your daughter and her foolish Rebels fall. She-Ra, on the other hand, is mine to destroy. And once I have the Power of Greyskull for myself, it is then and only then that I will allow you to know the cold mercy of death.” He then walked away.

When Hordak was gone, Double Trouble whispered into Angella’s ear, “Do not worry, Aunt Angella. Soon, it will be time.” Queen Angella’s expression never changed as she took in what her niece had said.


Adora, Wonder Woman, and crew stepped through the portal into Castle Greyskull. The Sorceress and Zodac were there to greet them. “Welcome back, Princess,” said the Sorceress.

Looking around the castle, Clare said, “This place is spooky.”

“I’ll say,” agreed Ariel.

“You must retrieve the Medallion of Greyskull,” said Zodac. “Without it, the Sorceress cannot perform her spell.”

“But how do we do that?” asked Piper. “You don’t even know where it is.”

“But I think I know of someone who does,” said Wonder Woman. “Rita is the weak link in the evil alliance we’re facing. I’ll make her talk. And Adora, I’ll need you to help me.”

Adora nodded, saying, “I’ll help any way I can.


“How’s Supergirl doing?” Isis asked.

“Like I’m about to freak out if I have to sit here one more minute! I’m fine!” Supergirl was clearly irritable.

“Fine?” Eric Meyers asked. “You took the brunt of an exploding starship and you say you’re fine? You Kryptonians really are tougher than I thought!”

Conner McKnight spoke to Isis, “So, what do the rest of us do in the meantime?”

“Remain on guard. Earth is still in our stead. The bad guys got Brightmoon and Lord knows what’s next,” answered Isis. Just then, Dr. Fate and Zatanna entered.

“Zordon was telling us of how we can put the Horde on ice permanently. When do we begin?” Zatanna asked.

“As soon as we get the Medallion of Greyskull back and save Brightmoon. We can’t leave this to happenstance. This has to be almost perfect,” Isis told everyone. She then turned to the other heroes assembled there. “If Luthor & company win-I’d rather not think about that.”

“Do not worry,” said Dr. Fate. “We will be ready.”

Just then, a portal opened and an image of Zordon appeared. “THE PORTAL TO ETERNIA IS READY. ARE THE TWO OF YOU READY TO GO?”

“We are,” answered Dr. Fate with a nod. “Let us go.”

“Right behind you,” said Zatanna as she and Dr. Fate stepped through.


Castaspella and the Mystic Force Rangers were walking through the cells of Mystacore where the various Horde members were being held. As they walked, Nick said, “Aunt Casta, I was wondering-back on Earth, when you and mom reunited, I noticed Shadow Weaver staring daggers at you. Is there some sort of-history between you two?”

Casta sighed and said, “Unfortunately, yes. There was a time when Shadow Weaver and I were best friends.”

“WHAT?” cried the five youngest Rangers.

“Quiet, all of you,” said Udonna. “I’m sure Casta can explain.”

“You see, she was not always Shadow Weaver,” Castaspella began. “Long ago, she was known as Lenora Lightspinner.”

“Lightspinner,” said Daggeron. “The opposite of Shadow Weaver.”

“Yes,” confirmed Casta with a nod. “Long ago, we were both trained by Norwyn. When the Horde first arrived, she betrayed Etheria in exchange for power. Thus, Hordak transformed her into Shadow Weaver. She paid a high price indeed, losing her youth and beauty, among other things. I, on the other hand, worked to become as powerful as I am, thus my powers are superior to hers.”

“Are they?” asked Shadow Weaver as Casta and crew got to her cell. “The Horde is in control of Etheria, are they not? If your powers were superior, you could have stopped us yourself instead of relying on She-Ra.”

Castaspella shook her head and said, “You still haven’t learned Norwyn’s most important lesson: Power alone cannot solve all your problems.”

“Bah!” spat Shadow Weaver. “Norwyn’s brainwashed you, Casta! That’s what makes you weak! The truth is that people like us were not meant to do things the hard, pointless way!”

“Pointless?” snapped Nick as he got into Shadow Weaver’s face. “You think that just because something is hard that it’s pointless? Let me tell you what the truth really is; the real truth is that it’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everybody would do it. The hard is what makes it worth doing. The hard is what makes it right. You tried to do things the easy way, and you lost everything. And soon, your reign of evil will end forever. And there is nothing you can do about it. So tell me, who’s weak now?” Shadow Weaver was unable to respond as Nick and the others walked away.

Elsewhere in the palace, Dan approached Kris with a smile. “Hey, Kris, before we go to bed, I wanted to give you something. Our one-month anniversary may not have gone as planned, but at least I get to give you this.” He then pulled a box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

Kris smiled and took the box. Once she opened, her smile was replaced by a look of confusion. She pulled an oddly-shaped necklace out of the box and stared at it before saying, “It’s beautiful, but-what is it?”

Dan chuckled and said, “Funny you should mention the word beautiful. You see, that is the Japanese symbol for beauty. When I saw it, I thought it was perfect, because you’re beautiful, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well.”

As Dan’s words sank in, Kris’ eyes began welling up as she smiled. She hugged him and said, “Thank you. I’ll always treasure this.”

When they broke the hug, Dan said, “Here, let me help you put it on.” Kris gladly obliged as Dan took the necklace, got behind Kris, and put the necklace on her. Kris then turned back to Dan and they kissed.

Kelly, Perfuma, and Netossa watched the whole thing, but kept a respectful distance. “Aw, how beautiful and romantic,” said Perfuma with a sigh.

“I wish I had a man to romance me that way,” added Netossa. “What about you, Kelly? Do you have anybody special?”

Kelly smiled and said, “Maybe.” She then walked away.


Jill, Kelly, Green Lantern, and Batman had just wrapped up a case and were back in the Batcave. Upon arriving, Batman had removed his cape and cowl and was now sitting on a small table as Bruce Wayne. Alfred Pennyworth had come down and was tending to Batman’s wounds. This night, he’d escaped with only minor cuts and bruises. Bruce removed his shirt, allowing Alfred to get to work. As Alfred worked, Kelly’s curiosity got the better of her as she approached the table. Once she got close enough, she gasped as she noticed the many scars on his back. “My gosh. I never realized-there were so many scars.”

Each of them-carries a memory,” said Bruce.

Well, I must say, Master Bruce, this is certainly one of your better nights,” said Alfred as he wiped his hands.

Wish the case could have gone better,” said Jill. “Sure, we caught all the goons, but not a shred of evidence to tie it to the Penguin.”

Dealing with people like him is tricky,” said Green Lantern. “But we’ll find a way to bring him down. Just remember two words: Lex Luthor.”

Why don’t you head on up to bed, sir?” suggested Alfred. “You need your rest. I’ll tidy up down here.”

Bruce nodded as he stood up and slipped into his robe, which Alfred had brought down with him. As he got on the elevator, Bruce said, “Good night, everyone.”

Good night,” said Jill, Kelly, and GL.

Good night, sir,” finished Alfred.

When Bruce was gone, Green Lantern asked, “You sure you don’t need help, Alfred?”

Go on,” said Alfred. “I’m quite alright. You three need your sleep as well.”

You two go ahead,” said Kelly. “I’ll catch up.” Jill and GL looked at each other and shrugged before heading for the teleporters. When they were gone, Kelly turned to Alfred as he worked. Finally, she asked, “Why do you keep letting him do this?”

Alfred sighed and said, “His choice, I’m afraid.”

But why does he have to be so cold and distant?” asked Kelly.

I wish I knew the answer to that, Miss Garrett. But while I have sewn his flesh, set his bones, and removed more bullets from his body than I care to remember, there is one thing I don’t have the slightest clue how to fix.”

Curiosity getting the better of her, the Black Power Angel asked, “What’s that?”

Alfred finally looked up and said, “A broken heart.”

No one’s-been able to fix it?”

Not many have tried,” admitted Alfred. “But if you can, then you truly are an Angel.”

Kelly chose her next words carefully. “Are you-encouraging me?”

Alfred looked Kelly in the eye for several seconds before responding. “Let’s just say, I do not wish to spend my few remaining years greiving the loss of old friends-or their sons.”

I-think I understand. Good night, Alfred.”

Good night, Miss Garrett.” Alfred watched Kelly as she headed for the teleporter. When she was gone, Alfred gathered his things and made his way back up to Wayne Manor.

End Flashback


As nightfall came upon Eternia, Adam and the Masters were preparing for the next morning. King Randor was watching from the balcony when his wife approached and put her arms around his waist from behind. “Is something wrong, dear?”

Randor sighed and remained silent for several seconds before responding. “Marlena, whenever I would look at our son, I used to always see a rebellious spirit. All I ever saw when I looked at him was a lazy, irresponsible Prince who only wanted to have fun and enjoy the luxuries of royalty. And whenever I saw him run at the first sign of danger, my opinion of him sank even lower when I thought him to be a coward. Sure, he still likes to have fun and enjoy the finer things in life, but knowing what I know now, he has the greatest responsibility anyone could ever ask for: That of Eternia’s champion. The things I said to him, not knowing how much he was sacrificing for the Kingdom and all of Eternia, I-I feel like it’s too late to make it up to him.”

“Randor, it’s never too late,” insisted Marlena. “He said it himself, you were only reacting to what you knew. He knew what he had to lose when he took up the sword. And if you really want to make it up to him, you can start by being a father to him instead of a King. But you’re going to have to take the first step on your own. Like the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Randor turned to face Marlena. He gave a small smile. “You are right, my dear. As is often the case.” They then made their way into their room.

The next morning, Wonder Woman, Zack, and Adora approached each other. “So, what’s the plan?” asked Zack.

“The Sorceress and Zodac are searching for Rita,” answered Adora. “As soon as they find her, they’ll let us know.”

“Then, you’ll teleport us there so we can capture her and interrogate her,” continued Wonder Woman.

Adora then held her head. “They’ve found her. She just appeared at the abyss just outside of Greyskull.” She then drew her sword and cried, “For the Honor of Greyskull!”

Zack and Wonder Woman shielded their eyes as Adora transformed. “I HAVE THE POWER!”

“Alright, let’s do this,” said Zack. He then touched his communicator, teleporting them all away, Zack in a streak of black-colored light, Wonder Woman in gold, She-Ra in white.

Rita smiled as she stood at the abyss outside of Castle Greyskull. 'Soon, Earth will be ours, and those stupid Rangers will fall before our power,- she thought to herself. But as she continued to stare at the castle, a golden rope snaked over her. Rita was yanked into two very powerful fists, punched, beaten, slammed, kicked, and slapped. She was then thrown through a large glass item-then darkness.

When she came to, Rita found herself bound by what she thought was the magic lasso, but something covering her eyes. “Wh-what’s going on? What’s over my eyes? Where am I?”

“We want information, simple as that. Who has the Medallion Of Greyskull? It is really in your best interest for you to tell us.” Rita realized that was Wonder Woman.

“Why should I tell you anything, Amazon? Besides, I have rights-” Rita started.

“You have rights. Lots of them. Sometimes I count them just to make myself angry. But let us tell you something: Right now, you have glass in every major artery in your body. Right now, you’re possibly bleeding to death. Right now, you are our bargaining chip. Right now, we are the only chance you have of making it through the next 6 minutes alive,” She-Ra added.

Rita began to consider her options. She knew She-Ra wouldn’t kill. Wonder Woman, however, was from a warrior race-and wouldn’t hesitate to snap her neck like a twig. “OK, OK, we can make a deal-”

“Rita, you really don’t understand-you’re in no position to make any kind of deal. Let me show you-” Wonder Woman spoke as she started to remove her hand from her face. Rita soon found herself over the Eternian Falls-40,000 feet up…tied up by an ordinary rope, which both Wonder Woman & She-Ra were ready to snap in two-

The scream Rita cut loose with made the little imps in Wonder Woman dance with glee. “Isis, get ready. We are about to get all the info we need.”

“Now, where is the Medallion of Greyskull?” asked She-Ra.

Rita cracked, “It’s in Snake Mountain! Skeletor has it!”

“What is he doing with it?” asked Wonder Woman.

“He’s trying to figure out how to control its power! He doesn’t trust anyone with it! But that’s all I know! I promise!” Panic was clear in Rita’s voice.

“Guess Skeletor’s smarter than I gave him credit for,” said She-Ra. “Alright, Rita, you’ve kept your end of the bargain.” She and Wonder Woman then pulled Rita to safety. She-Ra then placed her hands on Rita, her healing powers removing the shards of glass from her body and healing her wounds.

“I knew it,” said Rita in relief. “I knew you wouldn’t let me die.”

“That’s enough out of you,” said Wonder Woman with a frown. She then proceeded to knock the evil witch on her rear end.

“I’ll get back at you for this!” yelled Rita as she grabbed her fallen wand and teleported away.

Wonder Woman then turned to the Princess of Power and said, “She really gets on my nerves.”

She-Ra nodded and said, “I can see why. You head back to the palace and let Adam and the Masters know what’s going on. I need to get back to Etheria.”

Wonder Woman flew back to the palace as quickly as she could. When she arrived, Superman immediately asked, “How did it go?”

“She spilled everything,” answered Wonder Woman. “We have to get to Snake Mountain. Skeletor is still trying to figure out how to control the Medallion’s power.”

“Some of us will go to the Dark Hemisphere and retrieve the Medallion,” Man-At-Arms started. “The rest will need to be ready for any further attacks.”

“We’ll come,” said Jason. “With our Ninja powers, we should be able to sneak in to Snake Mountain and Rita won’t be able to detect our presence.”

“Mind if we lend a hand?” asked Prue. All turned to see the Charmed Ones approaching.

“Who are they?” asked Lizard Man.

“Masters, these are Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell,” answered Superman. “Together, they are known as the Charmed Ones. They’re very powerful sorceresses and friends of ours.”

“The Sorceress sent us here to help,” said Piper. “Our magic should be of great help in getting back this Medallion of Greyskull.”

“We were told that the Sorceress can’t perform her massive spell without it,” added Phoebe. “So, what are we waiting for?”

“We’re not waiting for anything,” said Adam. “Man-At-Arms, take Green Lantern, the Hawks, the Charmed Ones, the Rangers, Elle, and Megan with you to Snake Mountain. The rest of us will head to Greyskull in case it falls under attack.”

“And we will defend Greyskull by your side, son,” said King Randor as he and Queen Marlena approached.

“We don’t get enough family time as it is,” added Marlena with a smile.

“Thank you, mother and father,” said Adam with a smile of his own. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

A guard then ran up, crying, “King Randor! A creature and a woman in gold armor just broke in and freed Skeletor’s minions and the giants!”

“Goldar and Scorpina,” realized Eve. “Looks like we’re going to be in for the fight of our lives.”

Adam frowned and said, “Then we end it here, once and for all.” He then drew his sword one more time. “By the Power of Greyskull!” Once more, the Power of Greyskull flowed through Adam’s body, transforming him into He-Man.


Seeing the transformation, all Phoebe could say was, “Whoa. Is that boy on steroids or something?”

Once Cringer was transformed into Battle Cat, every took off, ready for one more battle.

At Snake Mountain, Skeletor was trying to figure out how to control the Medallion of Greyskull’s magic as Luthor watched. Rita then teleported in, saying, “Guys, we’ve got trouble! Company’s coming. Our foes are trying to get the Medallion of Greyskull back.”

“I anticpated that they would,” said Luthor. “Which is why Goldar, Scorpina, and the giants are on standby, waiting to lead the Putties, Tengas, our robotic foot soldiers, and your minions in an assault on Castle Greyskull.”

“Let them try to take this,” said Skeletor. “If He-Man couldn’t take it from me, there’s no way anybody else could.”

Man-At-Arms and company entered the Dark Hemisphere. Looking around, Trini said, “I don’t see how anyone could live here.”

“Still, I can imagine how it serves as the perfect hideout for Skeletor and his goons,” added Billy.

“I don’t know about you, but I can just feel it pulsing with evil,” said Phoebe.

“I know,” said Piper. “I feel it too.”

“As do I,” finished Prue.

“We’re almost there,” said Man-At-Arms as he drove the Attack Trak. Green Lantern and the Hawks followed from the air. Soon, Man-At-Arms pulled to a stop, as GL and the Hawks landed. “There it is,” said Man-At-Arms. “Snake Mountain.”

“Well, the name certainly fits,” said Tommy.

“Oh, my gosh,” said Kimberly. “Look at that place. It looks scary.”

“Man, I hate snakes,” said Zack. “I’m just glad those snakes aren’t alive.”

“That’s enough talk,” said Megan. “We’ve got a job to do.”

“Let’s make this quick,” said Hawkman. “We don’t want to stay here any longer than necessary.”

“Alright, guys, let’s do this,” said Jason. “Ninja Ranger Power, now!”

Upon transforming into their ninja forms, Samantha was the first to speak. “We’ll sneak in and try to find the Medallion. We’ll stay in touch and contact you if we find it.” The Rangers then used their ninja magic powers to blend in with their environment and sped into Snake Mountain.

“The Hawks and I will enter from the air, Duncan,” said Green Lantern. “You take the others and enter on the ground.”

“First things first,” said Elle. “ANGEL POWER!”

Once the Purple and White Power Angels were suited up, Hawkwoman said, “Let’s go.” She, Hawkman, and Green Lantern then took off and entered through the main snake head while the rest entered through one of the ground entrances.

Sneaking through Snake Mountain, the Ninja Rangers had come across no resistance so far. “I don’t like this,” said Zack. “No one has yet tried to stop us.”

“We’d best stay alert,” said Billy. “We can’t let our guard down even for a second.”

“Billy’s right,” agreed Tommy. “We’ll just have to keep going.”

As Man-At-Arms’ group ran through Snake Mountain, Duncan said into his communicator, “Green Lantern, any resistance on your end?”

“Nothing,” responded GL. “And I don’t like it.”

“Stay in touch,” said Duncan before breaking contact. Soon, his team entered Skeletor’s throne room. “Drat. I was hoping Skeletor would be here, but he isn’t.”

“We’ll just have to keep searching,” said Prue. “Let’s keep going.”

Soon, the Ninja Rangers found Skeletor, Rita, and Luthor. Kimberly whispered into her communicator, “Guys, we’ve found them. But we’re not exactly sure where we are.”

“Hang on,” responded Man-At-Arms. “I’ll try and trace your communicator’s signal.” Using a computer built into his mace, Duncan soon said, “Got it. We’re on our way.”

“We’ve got a lock, too,” said Hawkman as he used a Thanagarian device capable of tracing the Rangers’ communicators.

“Hang tight,” said Hawkwoman. “We’ll be there soon.”

“I hope they get here quick,” whispered Samantha. “I want to see some action!”

On the ground, directly below the Rangers, Rita said, “I hope all of this is worth it, Skeletor. You’re taking an awful lot of time trying to figure out how to use that thing.”

“With victory this close, I am not leaving anything to chance,” said Skeletor.

“Sorry to interrupt,” said Man-At-Arms, catching the three villains’ attention. “But I believe you have something that belongs to us.”

Man-At-Arms, Elle, and Megan stood before Skeletor, Luthor & Rita. “Well, well, well,” said Luthor with a smirk. “If it isn’t Man-At-Arms and two of the so-called ‘Power Angels.’ You’re more like Power Devils.”

“You really think you can stop us-with this?” Rita stupidly asked as Skeletor held the Medallion. Unknown to them, Prue Halliwell had astral-projected herself behind them just as Megan shot off a burst of light, temporarily blinding the evil trio. As they shielded their eyes, Prue snatched the Medallion from Skeletor-then faded from view.

“Hey! Who-?” Skeletor screamed.

“One of the Halliwell witches! How did she-where are her sisters?” Rita shouted. That was soon answered when the trio found themselves unable to move, thanks to Piper Halliwell.

As Prue returned with the Medallion, Elle sent out a blast of sound at Luthor, which sent him flying and even did some damage to his armor. “Hey, Luthor, what do you think of us Angels now?”

“You and those witches are going to pay for this!” Skeletor shouted.

However, Phoebe smiled and said, “I don’t think so. But first ,-” Concentrating, a mist enveloped the three, allowing the Ninja Rangers to take down Skeletor and Rita just as Green Lantern and the Hawks busted into the room.

With all three evil-doers temporarily down for the count, Green Lantern said, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Everybody stay close,” ordered Billy. He and Hal then used their power rings to encase their friends inside two energy bubbles before taking off. Followed by both Hawks, everyone flew out of Snake Mountain.


Isis & Zordon gathered the heroes together at Titans Tower. “Everyone! The villains have retreated from Earth’s orbit. For now, Earth is safe!” Isis shouted.


“Will any of us have to join them?” Kat Hilliard asked.

“Right now, no. Things seem to be under control right now.” Isis confrmed.

“How is Xena?” both Gabrielle and Hercules wanted to know.

“She has led a team to victory against Skeletor’s forces. Still, stay on guard.” Isis finished.


She-Ra arrived at Mystacore, meeting the Rebellion in Castaspella’s throne room. She asked, “Alright, does everyone remember the plan?”

“Yeah,” answered Nick. “First, Aunt Casta, myself, and the other Mystic Force Rangers destroy the force field around Brightmoon.”

“And while everyone takes on Hordak’s goons, the ThunderCats and I will use our ninja powers to sneak in and try to find Queen Angella,” added Keith.

“So, what are we waiting for?” asked Firestorm. “Let’s go and save two worlds!”

Keith commanded, “Ninja ThunderCat Power, now!”


Finally, Sabrina commanded, “ANGEL POWER!”

Everyone quickly made their way to Brightmoon. When they got there, Tri-Klops was standing guard at the front of the force field, flanked by Mr. Freeze, Horde Troopers, Luthor robots, and new battle drones. Sword in hand, Tri-Klops smirked and said, “You fools can’t get through my force field.”

Frowning under his helmet, Nick said, “We’ll see about that.” He and the other Mystic Force Rangers then used their Magi-Staffs combined with Castaspella’s magic to shatter the force field.

Tri-Klops’ jaw dropped in disbelief. He then snarled and cried, “Attack!” He fired a beam from his visor, but She-Ra deflected it back with her sword, sending him flying. The various robotic henchmen then charged forward. The ThunderCats, in their ninja forms and hiding in the trees, proceeded to sneak into Brightmoon.

Kelly trapped several of the robotic foot-soldiers in a field of darkness, enabling Sabrina, Madison, and Mermista to wipe them out with their combined water powers. Vida, Julie, and Spinerella combined their winds to blow more away, while Kris and Chip used their combined electrical powers to put down more.

Nick, Udonna, and Castaspella fought effectively together, combining their powers to wipe out a large amount of enemy robots. Udonna turned to her sister and said, “It is good to fight by your side, Casta.”

“Likewise, Udonna,” responded Casta with a smile.

“Look out!” cried Nick as he pushed his mother and aunt out of the way. The three saw Mr. Freeze approaching, freeze gun in hand.

“You got lucky that time,” said Mr. Freeze. “But you will still freeze in Hell!” He fired again, only to be countered by Nick, Udonna, and Casta’s combined powers, sending him flying.

Tri-Klops recovered and charged Daggeron, but the Solaris Knight caught his arm as he attempted to swing his sword. Daggeron frowned and said, “Bad move.” He then sent him flying with a single punch. Tri-Klops snarled and fired a beam from his visor, only for Daggeron to counter with a solar beam of his own, finally putting Tri-Klops out of the fight.

Netossa caught more foot-soldiers, enabling Bow and Green Arrow to use exploding arrows on them. Clamp Champ used his capture claw to catch and throw robots. He also extended it, catching some and slamming them into some of their own. Perfuma used her power to make flowers grow on several of the robots, disorienting them. This allowed Xander to use his plant powers to trap some of the robotic foot-soldiers. He even caused some plants to grow right through them, putting them out of commission.

From the air, Sweet Bee blasted robots with her staff while Firestorm used his powers to rearrange the molecules of others, rendering them defenseless. This allowed Jill and Frosta to use their combined powers to destroy them. After reducing their foes to rubble, the Red Power Angel turned to the Ice Empress and smiled, joking, “And who says fire and ice don’t mix?” Frosta couldn’t help but chuckle.

Black Canary beat more robots into submission before using the Canary Cry on more. Sea Hawk used his Impact Ring to destroy more robots with a single blow, while using his Photon Cutlass to cut down more. Sunder used a blaster as well as his own fists to put down more robots. Snout Spout cut down more with his axe and shot water from his trunk, wiping out more. He even grabbed a few with his trunk and threw them into their own comrades. Glimmer blasted some more robots with her light powers. And finally, She-Ra used her sword as well as her nearly limitless strength to destroy several more with ease.

While all of this was going on, the ThunderCats were sneaking through Brightmoon, hoping to find Queen Angella. Soon enough, they did. Hordak was watching the battle outside, forcing the frozen Queen of Brightmoon to watch as well. “It’s Hordak,” whispered Jackie. “What do we do?”

“I don’t think he knows we’re here yet,” answered Keith. “So let’s pounce him.”

Watching the battle, Hordak asked, “How does it feel to know that She-Ra, your daughter, and their foolish rebels can’t win?”

“That’s funny,” responded Angella with a frown. “It sure looks like they’re winning to me.”

Hordak growled as he turned to the Queen, “I’d watch that tongue if I were you.”

Suddenly, the ThunderCats pounced on Hordak, catching him by surprise and sending him flying! Hordak sat up and attempted to fire magic from his eyes and mouth, but the ThunderCats ninja super-speed allowed them to easily avoid it. Hyde shook his head and said, “Holding an innocent woman hostage, not cool.”

Hordak got to his feet and said, “You were foolish to challenge me.”

“I think not,” said Double Trouble as she shot Hordak through the back of his shoulder with a pistol, causing him to scream as he dropped to his knees.

Hordak turned to Double Trouble and yelled, “Traitor!”

“And proud of it,” said Double Trouble. She then blasted the collar off of her aunt’s neck. Queen Angella was then able to use her powers to free herself. Angella’s strength restored, Double Trouble smirked and asked, “Haven’t you ever heard that blood is thicker than water?”

“Now, begone!” demanded Queen Angella. She then fired a burst of magic, sending Hordak flying through the wall of the palace as he screamed.

Back outside, She-Ra and company had just finished off the various robots and had backed up Mr. Freeze and Tri-Klops when Hordak came flying out of the castle. However, Hordak had time to recover, using his powers to levitate and stop himself from hitting the ground at the last second. With Tri-Klops and Mr. Freeze by his side, She-Ra and her allies approached. The Princess of Power smirked and said, “Looks like you’re cornered, Hordak.”

Suddenly, a large yellow energy field stood between the numerous heroes and the three villains. All looked up to see Sinestro responsible for the energy field as Star Sapphire landed, the freed Horde members in tow. “We got your goons out of Mystacore’s prison,” said Sapphire.

“Good,” said Hordak. “Get us all back to Eternia NOW!”

“Very well,” said Sinestro with a frown. “But we’re not doing this for you.” He and Star Sapphire then created energy bubbles to encase Hordak and company before taking off.

“They’re getting away!” cried Sea Hawk.

“Don’t worry,” said She-Ra. “We can still stop them.”

Queen Angella then swooped down and said, “She-Ra, thank you for coming to the rescue once again.” The ThunderCats then sped out of Brightmoon, Double Trouble in tow.

“It was our pleasure,” said She-Ra. “But we need you to come back to Eternia with us. We have a chance to defeat the Horde as well as Skeletor and his minions, but the Sorceress needs you. Will you help us?”

“Of course I will,” answered Angella with a nod.

She-Ra then spoke into her sword, “Sorceress?”

The Sorceress’ image appeared. “Yes, Adora?”

“Hordak and his minions are heading back to Eternia along with Tri-Klops and a couple of Legion of Apocalypse members. We need a portal to Eternia and we need it now.”

“Stand by,” said the Sorceress with a nod. Seconds later, a portal was opened up.

Before stepping through, Angella asked, “Wait, did the Sorceress call She-Ra Adora?”

“Yes, mother,” answered Glimmer. “But there’s no time to explain now. We have to get to Eternia.” And with that, all of the heroes entered the portal. The fate of Eternia and Etheria was about to be decided here and now.